Interscience Communications Ltd
Interscience Fire Laboratory
  Building 63
  Haslar Marine Technology Park
  Haslar Road, GOSPORT
  Hampshire PO12 2AG, UK

Tel: +44(0)20 8692 5050
  Fax: +44 (0)20 8692 5155




Fire Testing






 Fire Testing


Interscience Communications is a UK based company specialising in the production of technical conferences, publications, fire testing and research. For over 35 years of operation, Interscience has built a worldwide reputation for excellence in the these fields of operation.

Interscience Communications is a limited company based in the UK
registration number: 01896939

Conferences and Publications
The division produces high quality events that bring together the international community of scientists, technologists, engineers and end users in this specific field of expertise. In addition, the division uses its expertise to manage events for other organisations.. Interscience publishes conference proceedings (book and CD media) to support the events.

Research and Consultancy
The research and testing group carries out independent projects and regularly collaborates with leading fire research groups and consultants on EC and privately funded projects (eg CBUF, FIPEC, NEREFITE and CEMAC).
In October 2009, Interscience Communications Limited acquired a fire research and testing laboratory at Gosport, Hampshire from QinetiQ, Cuthbert Chong previously Manager of the laboratory joined Interscience’s Director Steve Grayson and Laboratory Manager Suresh Kumar to facilitate a seamless transition. Interscience and QinetiQ continues to cooperate in fire research projects and to partner in broader based projects.



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