The 5th international symposium attracted some 135 international delegates
from 20 countries. Copies of the CD Symposium Proceeding can be purchased
from our on-line Shop.
the photo gallery of the event.
Behaviour in Fire Symposium
Cambridge, UK |
Conferences |
September 2012 |
Behaviour in Fire is the study of human response including; people’s
awareness, beliefs, attitudes, motivations, decisions, behaviours
and coping strategies in exposure to fire and other similar emergencies
in buildings, structures and transportation systems. The study
of human behaviour in fire is highly multidisciplinary, involving
practitioners from the fields of engineering, architecture, computer
science, mathematics, law, sociology, psychology, human factors,
communications and ergonomics to mention just a few. The primary
focus of human behaviour research and its translation into practice
is to minimise the risk to people from fire. This is achieved
by generating and collecting quantitative and qualitative data
and information on human responses which can be used to develop
human fire response theory for use in fire safety engineering
design, performance based regulatory systems, computational models
and fire safety management.
The 5th international symposium haD a thematic umbrella of, “building
on a strong foundation” and alongside the 43 technical papers
and 20 poster papers there will be Panel Sessions addressing two
specific areas:
• Life Safety Options for People with Disabilities - How
far have we come? - Implications of Our Aging Society on Design
and Management of Buildings, and
• Fundamentals of Egress Calculations for Life Safety Assessments
There will also be a Workshop on the Ethics of Behavioural Studies
which the international Programme Committee under the Chairmanship
of Prof. Jim Shields believes to be an issue of growing importance.
purchase a copy of the proceedings, please visit our on-line bookshop
Shields, University of Ulster, Symposium Chair
Jason Averill, NIST, USA
Karen Boyce University of Ulster, UK
Dorothy Bruck, Victoria University of Technology,
Rita Fahy, NFPA, USA
Carole Franks, Interscience Communications
Ltd, UK
Hakan Frantzich, Lund University, Sweden
Edwin Galea, University of Greenwich, UK
Glenn Hedman,University of Illinois at Chicago,
Morgan Hurley, SFPE, USA
Erica Kuligowski, NIST, USA
Brian Meachem, Worcester Polytechnic instute,
Daniel Nilsson, Lund University, Sweden
Rosario Ono, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Amanda Robbins, BRANZ, New Zealand
Ai Sekizawa, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Ian Thomas, Victoria University of Technology,
Tomonori Sano, Waseda University, Japan
Steve Gwynne, Hughes Associates, UK